18 Excellent Ways To Build Positivity, Tenacity And Confidence At Work

April 12, 2024

It can be challenging to maintain a positive outlook, persistent determination and strong confidence on a daily basis at work. However, fostering these traits in oneself can help a busy professional handle whatever life throws at them, even amid busy schedules and competing obligations.

Staying positive and confident makes it easier to navigate the ups and downs of professional life. Below, 18 Forbes Coaches Council members share powerful affirmative reminders to help one stay optimistic and tenacious in all professional endeavors, which can ultimately have a profound impact on one’s overall quality of life.


1. Remember Your ‘Why’

Remember your “why” and the impact you make. Remind yourself of the deeper reasons you chose your career path and the positive contributions you make to your organization, team or clients. This intrinsic motivation fuels resilience and confidence. – Dr. Remi Duyile, Image Consulting Group


2. Focus On Your Unique Strengths

Think about your unique values, strengths, contributions and accomplishments. Focus on your abilities and past successes. This will nurture a positive mindset, resilience and confidence in your work. Feedback provides insight for improvement, bolstering confidence and reinforcing your sense of purpose. Believing in your own capabilities can empower you to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. – Alba Contreras Rodriguez, FONS LLC


3. Remember That You Add Value

The one thing every professional should remember to stay positive, tenacious and confident at work is: “I am a person of value, adding value.” This goes to the heart of the real reason for showing up to work daily. It is the reason that far exceeds the paychecks and extends to the benefit of others because you show up. – Erica McKenzie, Creative Brands & Concepts


4. Do Your Best

Remind yourself that the most you can contribute is your best. This reminder helps you to stay present on the immediate opportunity and aligns you with what you can bring—your best. It’s encouraging and realistic at the same time. – Cheryl Breukelman, Epiphany Coaches Inc.


5. Look Back To Look Forward

We all want to be at, and deliver, our best, yet there are days or weeks when we don’t feel at our best. Looking back to look forward is a helpful exercise. Look back to a time when you overcame something you did not think you would be able to do. Look at how you felt and what you needed to do to break through. Apply those tools today. Look at your accomplishments to gain greater strength. – Tracy Quinton, Quinton Group


6. Understand The Power Of Self-Efficacy

When asked if they know what self-efficacy is, people often say they are familiar with the word, but a crease in their brow tells me they don’t understand its power. If you have ever seen a coffee mug emblazoned with the words “She Believed She Could, So She Did,” that is the power of self-efficacy. While placing that word on a mug might not sell well, placing it in front of your mind gets you to your goal. – Cynthia Knapek, LeadingBetter


7. Maintain Motivation By Remembering Your Purpose

Staying motivated can be a struggle, yet it is critical that employees see consistent engagement from their leader. Leaders need to stay motivated—in good times and in challenging times. They can accomplish this by reminding themselves of their “why” and their purpose as a leader, as well as taking time to gauge the impact of their actions and decisions on others. This reminds leaders of the gravity of their role. – Joe Frodsham, CMP


8. Remember That You Are Good At What You Do

Periodically, either literally or figuratively, reread your résumé. Sometimes, we forget: “I know how to do my job.” You may need to remind yourself that you are good at what you do. Take time to appreciate your accomplishments, talents, things you’ve overcome, recommendations and so on. A Post-it next to your computer that says, “I’m good at my job” may be a helpful reminder. – Julie Kantor, PhD, Julie Kantor Consulting


9. Maintain Perspective

“This too shall pass,” as the saying goes. Having perspective is essential for staying positive, tenacious and confident at work. Tough times happen to everyone, and no one is always on top. You can take a step back, view the broader picture, see where you can make a difference on your top priorities and then dive back in. – Kimberly Svoboda, Aspiration Catalyst®


10. Ask Yourself, ‘What’s The Worst That Could Happen?’

The downsides or risks, at a personal level, are almost always overstated in our minds. Even the worst case of “What if I get fired?” very rarely leads to a permanent downside of potential, as new opportunities often end up with better outcomes. So actively ask yourself, “What’s the worst that could happen?”—answer it honestly, and you’ll find that it probably isn’t such a horrible risk. – Jamie Flinchbaugh, JFlinch


11. Put In The Work

If you are putting in the work, it will likely work. However, it will definitely not work if you don’t put in the work. So, if you feel nervous that whatever you are trying to accomplish might not work, remember that if you put in the work, you are doing far more to make it happen than the average person would. – Glenn Grant, Selfassembled Ventures


12. Know Your Worth

Your worth is not determined by your job title, your company’s brand or your professional responsibilities. Your worth is based on the love, grace and compassion you extend to yourself on a daily basis. If you understand and embrace your worth, then you will be undeterred by obstacles that show up in your career cycle. You will create a positive impact for everyone around you. – Joel Davis Brown, Pneumos


13. Recognize That Mistakes Are Inevitable

Professionals should periodically remind themselves that mistakes are inevitable; after all, we’re human. It’s crucial to stay positive, keep your head up and reflect on the positive impact you make in your work. Recognizing the difference you create and the value you bring can instill confidence and tenacity, helping you navigate challenges with a resilient mindset. – Cheri Rainey, Rainey Leadership Learning


14. View Every Step You Have Made As Progress

View where you are as progress from where you were or have been. It is so easy to focus on what you have not yet accomplished, but a periodic reminder that you have taken those critical steps forward toward your goals would prove that your movement is progress. – Tinna Jackson, Jackson Consulting Group, LLC


15. Reconnect With Why You Do What You Do

Always go back to your personal “why.” There will always be stress that comes in a variety of ways. Regularly connecting with why you are doing something (parenting, taking on a challenge at work, learning a new skill, dealing with a difficult client or colleague) can build resiliency, so you can bounce back when you get knocked down, as well as robustness, so you don’t get knocked down in the first place. – Andrew Freedman, SHIFT


16. Reflect On Your Talents

In the journey of professional growth, it’s essential to pause and reflect on the singular talents and abilities you possess. Embrace your unique talents and contributions; it’s crucial for sustaining motivation, resilience and confidence. Acknowledging your distinct value inspires a positive mindset, fuels perseverance and boosts self-assurance in navigating career challenges. – Dr. Courtney L. Teague, CLT & Associates


17. Develop Self-Trust

Self-trust is overlooked as an important superpower. Self-trust allows you to be authentic and invite others into a trusting, collaborative work environment. Let others know what skills you bring to a project, don’t take things personally, and reflect on what you did well each week and where you can make more progress in the coming week. These are all helpful behaviors in building self-trust. – Pamela Wagoner, Upstream Insights, LLC


18. Start The Day With Positive Self-Talk

When I coach clients, and they say they don’t feel confident, I suggest they make an ongoing list of what they have accomplished that day and the positive feedback they have received. Then, I take that advice myself. The challenges and mistakes are always easier to remember; that’s how the brain works. Start the day with positive self-talk! – Wendy Hanson, New Level Work


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Alba Contreras Rodriguez Executive & Leadership Coach