18 Strategies For Delivering Effective Feedback To Direct Reports

April 9, 2024

Great leaders go out of their way to create opportunities for their team members to grow, providing insights along the way to help them achieve their goals. The real foundation of employee development is effective feedback. Delivering feedback to direct reports is an essential skill for senior leaders to master, and one that can greatly impact the overall success and morale of an organization.

Below, 18 Forbes Coaches Council members discuss simple strategies senior leaders should keep top of mind when providing feedback. Follow their tips to create a more positive and productive work environment while nurturing your team’s professional growth.


1. Make Feedback Timely And Specific

It is crucial for leaders to be able and willing to provide direct feedback to their direct reports. The feedback needs to be timely and specific, and the leader should also be open to active listening and curiosity. Ask the person about how they could do things differently in the future when a similar situation happens. – Alba Contreras Rodriguez, FONS LLC


2. Make It An Everyday Conversation

Make feedback a part of doing business, not an event that occurs once a year at review time. Leaders who deliver candid, caring feedback that is specific and timely create a culture where feedback becomes part of the everyday conversation. Direct reports also feel confident in asking for it. – Karen Tracy, Dr. Karen A Tracy, LLC


3. Focus On ‘Balanced’ Feedback

For individuals to grow, “balanced” feedback is critical. Prepare and carve out time to deliver the feedback. Share the intent—why are you having the conversation? Convey what you observe and the facts about the situation. Explain what the impact of doing or not doing something has on the situation, and mutually establish actions to address the feedback. Lastly, listen for obstacles that stand in the way of success. – Shelley Hammell, Sage Alliance, Inc.


4. Couple Feedback With Psychological Safety

The dynamic relationship between feedback and psychological safety is at the core. Cultivating leadership presence enhances the psychologically safe workplace, empowering leaders to actively promote an environment where feedback flows effortlessly. This dedication to psychological safety guarantees that direct reports will not only accept feedback, but also embrace it with warmth and openness. – Elif Suner, MBA, M.Ed, MCC, Enrichia


5. Ask A Question First

Leaders—I know you’re pressed for time, but you have the extraordinary ability to have an impact on your employees. Rather than starting a meeting by giving feedback, ask a question first! Start with, “Tell me how you approached this? Tell me how you feel about the project.” Listen to the answer and ask the next logical question. Then, after you have a broader perspective, coach! – Pamela Wagoner, Upstream Insights, LLC


6. Provide Feedback With Clarity And Empathy

Leaders must ponder: How can I deliver feedback with both clarity and empathy? This serves as the catalyst for fostering growth and cultivating a culture of continuous improvement and trust. By empowering individuals through constructive feedback, leaders nurture development. Guide direct reports with candor, respect and precision to instill a culture of continuous improvement, thereby earning increased respect. – Christopher Fairbank, The Dare To Be Different Speaker


7. Focus On The Actions, Not The Person

“What gets rewarded gets repeated,” is something that my mentor taught me early on. When people feel valued, they are receptive to feedback and usually act on it. To do this, always keep the focus on the actions instead of on them: “Your problem-solving in that situation was good (or bad)” versus “You did a good (or bad) job solving that problem in that situation.” It’s subtle, but it’s gold. – Adam Cubbage, Center Point Leadership Development


8. Be Concise, Compassionate And Curious

Deliver your feedback in a timely manner and with evidence. Be open and listen to understand and appreciate all perspectives. Offer some ideas and set a mutual path forward, with support and timelines. – Susan Murray, Clearpath Leadership


9. Keep It Helpful

Feedback is a gift. It is intended to be helpful, and it is up to each individual to decide what to do with the feedback. Options include accepting it, discussing and amending it, or rejecting it. The most important thing is for both senior leaders and their direct reports to come to the table in the spirit of best intent. – Joelle Jay, LRI


10. Start By Sharing Your Vision For Them

To paraphrase Maya Angelou, people remember how you made them feel more than what you say or do. Start by sharing with your direct report a vision that you see for them with the company, the role they play and the impact they have. Check in to see if they feel aligned with that vision, and then offer feedback and an action plan to bridge the gap between where they are now and where they want to be. – Tanya Chernova, Tanya Chernova Global Corp


11. Find The Sweet Spot Between Care And Candor

All feedback is a gift. It’s important to build trust in your relationship with direct reports so that they can see feedback as a gift, and one way to do this is to find the sweet spot between care and candor. Without candor, feedback won’t be effectively received. Without demonstrated care, feedback won’t land. In either case, they won’t hear what needs to be heard for their development and won’t receive the gift of feedback. – Melissa Eisler, Wide Lens Leadership


12. Set The Intention Of Being Collaborative And Supportive

Always set the intention of being collaborative and supportive. Feedback should never be a surprise. Providing timely and consistent information to assist in your direct reports’ development will strengthen your business relationship and foster trust. The more they know, the more they grow. Also, be mindful of where you’re giving feedback. Coach in private; praise in public. – Joyel Crawford, Crawford Leadership Strategies, LLC.


13. Leave Them Feeling Motivated

Keep it simple and clear and offer constructive suggestions for how to potentially tackle problems. Also, make sure to be honest and positive. You want the person to leave the meeting motivated, not “crushed” by negativity. – Eddie Rodriguez, The Franchise Tailor


14. Ask About Their Preferred Feedback Style

Begin with inquiring about their preferred feedback style—even before you have to give any level of feedback. Whether offering constructive or positive feedback, take time to keep the underlying intention in mind. Emphasize clarity and specificity in your delivery, avoiding generalities that may cause confusion. Conclude by confirming your direct reports’ understanding of the feedback shared. – Sheeba Varghese, Coach Sheeba


15. Make It Genuine, Sincere And Constructive

Real professional growth happens when you provide sincere, constructive feedback. It’s not just any feedback that gives others valuable insights—it’s the genuine kind. It allows them to embrace it, learn from it, and watch their skills and approach transform. – David Liddell, Liddell Consulting Group LLC


16. Keep Your Leadership Essence In Mind

Senior leaders must actively mold how they are perceived by their team, peers and superiors. Each interaction is an opportunity to facilitate this. Leaders should crystallize their leadership essence into three words that encapsulate themselves, such as “caring,” “innovative” and “intentional.” Keep these three words at the forefront of your mind and ensure these qualities are present in every interaction. – Marti Evans, Leap Dialogues


17. Focus On Behaviors And Outcomes

My technique is the same formula that is used by hiring managers when asking behavioral interview questions. I believe it is important to set the scene, describe the purpose, explain the behavior (what they did) and share the result (outcome). Giving in-depth, performance-based feedback is helpful for all direct reports. – Dr. Courtney L. Teague, CLT & Associates


18. Set The Stage With A Clear Intent

Preparation is key. Setting the stage for both the leader and the direct report can facilitate a smooth session, especially if the feedback will be difficult to deliver. Enter into the meeting with a clear intent, specific details and thoughtful words. Reassure the employee that there is support available, and leave space for them to share their thoughts, concerns and questions. – Bonita Harriston, Be A Better Boss, LLC


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Alba Contreras Rodriguez Executive & Leadership Coach