How To Set Expectations Around ROI For Coaching Clients Up Front

July 15, 2024

At the beginning of any professional coaching engagement, it’s crucial for the coach to set clear expectations about the client’s potential return on investment right from the get-go. By having an open conversation about goals and desired outcomes and how they’ll be measured up front, a coach can help their clients understand the value they’ll receive from coaching services.

This proactive approach not only enhances client satisfaction by building trust and confidence, but also provides a framework for measuring success and positions the coach as a strategic partner invested in their clients’ success, paving the way for more impactful and rewarding engagements. Check out the expert tips below from members of Forbes Coaches Council to learn more about how to discuss clients’ ROI at the start of every client-coach relationship.


1. Outline Coaching Focus Areas

At the beginning of a client engagement, we build an outline of coaching focus areas, and the coachee and/or sponsor will rate it to create a baseline. We discuss how these areas are tied to organizational outcomes and how they relate to each other. This is evaluated again at the midpoint of the engagement and as the results are presented back to the coachee and/or sponsor. – Kristy Busija, Next Conversation Consulting


2. Use Assessments To Sharpen The Focus Of Goals

I find that most coaching clients and sponsors can clearly articulate their desired leadership improvement goals. We sometimes use assessments to sharpen the focus of those goals. It can be a little harder to quantify the cost of “not changing” versus the benefits of achieving stated goals. But we try. Often, the ROI measure is simply: better impact achieved with less “damage” and/or greater ease. – Maria Garrett, MG Leadership | Coaching & Consulting


3. Share Others’ Aggregated And Anecdotal Results

I create ROI expectations up front by sharing aggregated and anecdotal results achieved by others. I use information from retaken assessments, surveys and feedback to create custom key performance indicators that range from business revenues, team performance, hiring and turnover to improved personal relationships, new jobs, salaries, mindset and health. I then follow an incremental schedule to review their progress. – Barbara Anne Gardenhire-Mills, Purpose-Filled Solutions & Evolutions


4. Ask Questions

To help define the ROI of coaching, ask questions: What specific leadership qualities do you want to develop through coaching? How could this impact your organization? What leadership challenges are you currently facing? How do these leadership gaps affect team morale and productivity? What are the KPIs you would like to see improve? What are the costs associated with recruiting and training new leaders? – Dominik Szot, MIA


5. Agree Upon Quantitative And Qualitative Success Metrics

We must demonstrate ROI, since my firm only works with organizations. Success metrics are agreed upon at the start and are based on what the sponsor and leader want to achieve. They’re presented midway through the engagement and at the end. Examples of quantitative ROI are higher employee engagement and scores for 360-degree assessments and psychological safety. Qualitative measures are deeper confidence and better communication and collaboration. – Loren Margolis, TLS Leaders


6. Discuss Expectations Of Mutual Ownership

In addition to having clients complete a full questionnaire that includes background information and working and communication preferences, I start every engagement by asking how they will define a successful outcome. We discuss this answer in depth and add measurable outcomes wherever possible. We also discuss how a successful outcome almost always requires mutual ownership, investment and responsibility. – Christy Charise, Strategic Advisor


7. Evaluate Immediate And Long-Term Goals And Bottlenecks

The top rule for establishing the ROI of coaching: It only works if the client works it. We evaluate their immediate and long-term goals. With these in alignment, we can see the bottlenecks that need to be addressed. With that clarity and specific objectives set, we have a baseline to measure ROI. Measuring “how does this feel” each week, reviewing financials monthly and resetting objectives quarterly keeps us aware of progress. – Barbara Zuleger, Performance Partners Coaching


8. Ask The Client To Set The ROI

I never set the ROI in coaching. I always ask my client to do it. During our first session or on the discovery call, I ask questions such as, “How would you measure the success of coaching?” and, “If you don’t change anything now, how would that impact your career or business?” Those two questions help my clients be more specific about their desired outcome and how they would be measuring it. – Daria Rudnik, Daria Rudnik Coaching & Consulting


9. Gather Data Up Front; Check In For Real-Time Feedback

At the start of a coaching relationship, we gather data in the form of assessments, 360-degree interviews and input from the client. With that data in hand, we set goals to establish expectations for their ROI and agree on success metrics that will indicate the goals and outcomes have been achieved. Progress is measured and shared during sponsor check-ins and client conversations for real-time feedback. – Alba Contreras Rodriguez, FONS LLC


10. Allow Time To Identify The Client’s True Goal

It takes up to three coaching sessions to identify the client’s goal and the potential ROI. Many clients come to the first session with a problem. Sometimes, solving it becomes the goal. Sometimes, it is a symptom of something bigger. And sometimes, the first session allows the client to realize they want to work on a totally different goal. At that moment, the client is convinced the journey will be transformative. – Krumma Jónsdóttir, Positive Performances


11. Ask Clients’ Coaching Sponsors About Their Expectations

As a former CFO, I like to ask my clients’ coaching sponsors about their expectations for a return on their investment in coaching. If they can’t correlate coaching outcomes to improvements in productivity, efficiency, quality, customer satisfaction, employee engagement or revenue, we need to have a discussion about why they are investing. Coaching can create positive business results. – Evan Roth, Roth Consultancy International, LLC.


12. Aim To Increase Profits Within A Specific Time Frame

When working with a business, I focus on doubling or tripling its profit in six months. I know typical areas, such as accounts receivable, contracts, and terms and conditions, always hold hidden opportunities. As a fractional COO, my job is to quickly increase company profits so that the company can hire a full-time COO. – John Knotts, Crosscutter Enterprises


13. Set A Timeline For Regular Reviews; Present Results Quarterly

At the beginning of a coaching relationship, clarify ROI expectations by defining specific goals and metrics with the client. Set a timeline for regular reviews. Measure ROI via assessments and feedback aligned with these goals. Present results in structured sessions, ideally quarterly, to show progress and refine strategies as necessary. – Carrie Anne Yu, Conscious Ignite


14. Always Set ROI Around What The Client Wants

Asking clients what their expectations are around their desired ROI, what measures would work best for them and when they’d like those measuring points to occur is the beginning of creating a co-active alliance with whomever I’m working with. It’s always about what the client wants rather than what I assume they want or what I think is best for them. – Jay Steven Levin, WinThinking

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Alba Contreras Rodriguez Executive & Leadership Coach