From Comfort Zone to Growth Zone: The Executive’s Tools to Embracing Change

From Comfort Zone to Growth Zone: The Executive's Tools to Embracing Change
July 25, 2024

As an executive coach, I’ve seen countless senior executives grapple with change. It’s a universal challenge and only constant, but the good news is, there are some strategies that can make a world of difference. Let’s dive into how you can break through the barriers holding you back.

Living With Uncertainty   

Change is like sailing uncharted waters. It’s thrilling but can be unnerving. Here’s how to navigate:

       1.  Let Go of Judgements

 Stop rushing to categorize people or events. Slow down and open up your mind to other viewpoints.

       2.  Clarify Your Vision

When you know what you’re trying to accomplish, it’s easier to make specific plans. Reflect on your goals and write them down. Think of it like setting your GPS before a road trip. Without a clear destination, you’ll just wander aimlessly.

       3. Focus on Gains

When you’re taking on a challenge, imagine the rewards as well as the possible pitfalls. Motivate yourself by thinking positively. Even if the outcomes aren’t what you had in mind, you can learn from the experience. Remember, every setback is a setup for a comeback.

         4. Start Small

Begin with modest changes. Each victory will boost your confidence and abilities. It’s like building muscle; you don’t start with the heaviest weights. Small, consistent efforts lead to big results.


 Gathering Resources

You might feel like you’re trying to build a skyscraper with a toolkit meant for a birdhouse. Here’s how to gather the right resources

        1. Set Priorities

Trying to change too many things at once can be overwhelming. Pick one or two top concerns and focus your efforts there. It’s like juggling – start with one ball before adding more.

         2. Get Organized

You can accomplish more when you have a system. Clear away mental and physical clutter. Invent routines that will save you time and money. Think of it as decluttering your mind and workspace to make room for innovation.

         3. Assess Resources

Get a clear understanding of your current resources e.g. time, people, budget), and how aligned they are to your priorities and goals.

         4. Seek Information

Maybe you need additional knowledge and skills to make the changes you have in mind.

         5. Ask for Support

Having a strong network makes you more resilient. Surround yourself with the people who can give the assistance you need by creating and nurturing your personal board of directors.


Transforming Habits

Habits are like the autopilot setting on a plane. They can either keep you on course or lead you astray. Here’s how to take   control:

           1. Identify Triggers

When trying to change a habit, figure out the triggers that distract you from your positive intentions. It’s like finding the root cause of a problem instead of just treating the symptoms.

           2. Develop Substitutions

Once you know the situations where you’re likely to lapse, you can craft alternative responses and shift or pivot in the moment. It’s about replacing bad habits with good ones.

           3. Practice Mindfulness

Research shows that it often takes a couple of months for new habits to solidify. Plus, being consistent during the first few days of starting a new practice will increase your chances of success. Remind yourself that being patient and vigilant now will benefit you.

           4.Manage your Strengths

It is common to be told that leveraging strengths can help navigate change; however, when those strengths get overused, they can become weaknesses or liabilities. Since change can evoke a lot of negative emotions, the combination of the two conditions is very consequential.


As a transformational leader, it is critical to take the time to pause and use questions that allow you to reflect, be curious, and better understand how you are embracing change. You can use some of the following questions to ponder:

  • What’s the biggest obstacle you’ve faced in implementing change within your organization, and how did you overcome it?
  • How do you approach setting and achieving goals in a constantly changing business environment?
  • What strategies do you use to ensure that your team is aligned with your vision for change?


Embracing change is crucial if you want to grow and thrive in the constantly evolving world we are living in. Once you understand what’s holding you back, you can come up with strategies that will help you reach your personal and professional goals.

Ready to break through those barriers for embracing the constant change? Let’s embark on your transformational coaching journey by having me as your thought and accountability partner, and sounding board to achieve results that surpass your expectations.

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Alba Contreras Rodriguez Executive & Leadership Coach